Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Curiosity Killed the Mad

On Sunday and Monday, I helped a friend set some things up with her blog. After we got clear on what she wanted, meaning after I shut off my "I want you to do this because I want it" voice and started listening to what she wanted, we got down to the business at hand.

After spending some time, because if you have no money then you must invest time, after spending some time making sure all the free pieces worked as they were meant to work, we hung up our respective phones and did other things we needed to do, like eat.

So far no mad. I'm excited by completing something and seeing it work and knowing I had a hand in it. Yep, this is good.

Wait, I'm getting to the point about where I got curious.

While I was eating, I thought about how we put all this together and how every thing we used was totally free and wondered, hey would this be a good tutorial.

Are there lots of folks who want to start offering a services online? Who don't have money to invest and believe building a simple website will cost a fortune, so they don't bother.

I'm thinking it's not that uncommon. Anyway, still not mad. I thought about all this while eating and I came back to the computer and thought, I can put some sort of report together or a tutorial on the blog, something.

Only, wait. How do I do that? I mean it needs to done for free. How do I do that for free? So I'll have to research that too? No, this is too much. How is it that I don't know how to do this already?

That's when I started to get mad at myself for not knowing how to do that already. Mad at me.

The me who just spent 10 hours on the phone with someone who didn't know how to do any of the things she wanted to do and I didn't get mad at her during any of that time. Now I'm going to get mad at myself?. No, unacceptable.

Instead I got curious.

I realized I wasn't mad. I was tired. I was having a serious sugar/carb craving even though I had only just finished eating and I was frustratedly trying to push myself to do more, be better, because I believed I hadn't done enough or well enough already.

That's when I realized it was also funny, ironically funny. I've just helped someone do something I've never done before and it only took us together on the phone 10 hours over the course of two days to do it and we didn't spend a dime doing it. We spent fewer hours than we would on a part-time job, doing it.

I wasn't mad anymore. I celebrated. We just spent 10 hours doing something neither of us had ever done before and it works.

10 hours and no dollars.

Use what you've got.

So then I asked myself, "Is the solution good?"

Well the solutions all work together and now she has a paypal button up to receive payments for her services.

So is the solution good?

It meets the constraints given.

Is the solution good?

Who's idea of good do you want, some authority figure who would hire someone to set up the solution in the first place?

The solution is good to start with, because it's about starting where you are with what you have. It is not about hoping to start one day after. . .

It is about being.

That makes it a good solution. Perfect, no. Viable, usable, Yes.

I've mentioned this friend before. She offers Distance Healing Reiki Services.

And I'm still not mad.

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